OHSU Foundation Board of Trustees
Contact us
For information about the OHSU Foundation board of trustees, please contact Kimberly Maas, Managing Director of Board Relations.

Kelly Schrader
iQ Credit Union, retired

Eric Dishman
Vice Chair
DishStrong Innovation, LLC

Robin Gantt
Northwest Pipe Company, retired

Aadam Hussain
Healthcare Management Administrators

Kate Azizi
OHSU Foundation

Stephen Babson, J.D.
Endeavour Capital

Brad Blumenfeld
Blumenfeld Development Group, Ltd.

Dana Braner, M.D., FAAP, FCCM
Credit Unions for Kids Chair, OHSU Dept of Pediatrics
OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

Jorge Casimiro
NIKE, Inc.

Nancy Haigwood, Ph.D.
Board Representative, OHSU Medical Research Foundation

Kelly Kilkenny Hale
RBC Wealth Management

Damien Hall, J.D.
Dunn Carney, LLP

John Hershey
Oregon State Treasury, retired

Penney Hoodenpyle ’63
Alumni Representative, School of Nursing

Craig Kelly
Meritus Property Group

Mary Lago, CTFA
Ferguson Wellman Capital Management

Priscilla Wold Longfield
Community Volunteer

Eric Marvin
Co-chair, Doernbecher Philanthropy Board

Xandra McKeown
Columbia Bank, retired

Corey Morris-Singer, Ph.D.
Morris-Singer Foundation

Dan Occhipinti
Pacific Seafood

Chad Paulson
Board Representative, OHSU Board

David Payne
The Standard

Mike Petitt, CPA
United States Bakery

Steven Prewitt, J.D.
Co-Chair, Doernbecher Philanthropy Board

Dylan Robinson
Global Partners, LP

Josh Schlesinger
Schlesinger Companies

Barbara Silver
Silver Family Foundation

Stacey Strade Squires, CFA
Admiral Properties, LLC

Steve Stadum, J.D.
Interim President, OHSU

Ronda Trotman, D.M.D. ’96
Alumni Representative, School of Dentistry

Norah Verbout, Ph.D. ’08
Alumni Representative, School of Medicine

Jay Zidell
Zidell Companies
Life trustees
Jean Bates, B.S. ‘59, M.S.N. ‘71
George Caspar, M.D. ‘61, R ‘70
Ann Edlen
John Eskildsen
Jim Fearl, M.D. ‘65
Walt Grebe, J.D.
Lesley Hallick, Ph.D.
Joseph Hanna, Jr., J.D., LLM
Steve Janik, J.D.
The Honorable Betsy Johnson
Peter Kohler, M.D., D.Sc.
Robert Kraus
Robert Murray
Greg Ness
George Passadore
Carmen Phillips
Ronald Ragen
Daniel Regis
Joe Robertson Jr., M.D. R ‘82, M.B.A.
Richard Rubinstein
Jim Rudd
Phyllis Sutter
Hank Swigert
Keith Thomson
Ron Timpe
About the board
The OHSU Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of trustees comprised of civic and business leaders. Trustees are responsible for formulating long-range goals and policies for the foundation. Board members exhibit a broad range of skills and experience in order to effectively carry out their fiduciary responsibilities. Specifically, backgrounds in management, finance and audit, administration, investment and nonprofit management are beneficial, as well as an understanding of academic medical centers. Board members are philanthropically minded and support Oregon Health & Science University with significant gifts. Members are advocates for OHSU’s vital mission and have the capacity and willingness to influence others to support the organization. Board members exhibit these characteristics: intelligence, mature judgment, highest personal and professional ethics, objectivity and superior communication skills. We seek diversity in ethnicity, gender, geography and profession to bring a variety of perspectives and voices to the board.