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Credit Unions for Kids

Supporting OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital for more than 30 years

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woman's hands comfort a happy baby
Pediatric cardiologist Michael Silberbach, M.D., checks a child's heartbeat.

Investing in innovative, life-saving care

Credit Unions for Kids pledges to raise $5 million to create a new hybrid operating suite at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. The expansion supports Doernbecher’s delivery of the most innovative, life-saving pediatric cardiac care in the region.

Members of Credit Unions for Kids hold a giant check from Go West Credit Union
National organization. Local impact.

Credit Unions for Kids is a nonprofit collaboration of credit unions, chapters, leagues/associations and business partners from across the country, engaged in fundraising to support 170 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Donations raised stay local.

Raised to support OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital

$18 million

Supporting crucial programs

Credit unions’ strong partnership and incredible generosity supports all these things at Doernbecher

  • Outpatient clinic and pediatric intensive care unit
  • Endowed professorships in pediatrics
  • Clinical trial research on treatments for pediatric cancer
  • Tom Sargent Safety Center, a resource for families throughout the community
  • The OHSU Gary & Christine Rood Family Pavilion, a home away from home for patients and families who must travel long distances for specialized care at Doernbecher
A bedroom in the Gary & Christine Rood Family Pavilion
A home away from home

Through cornhole tournaments, wine auctions and more, credit union employees rallied to raise $5 million for the Gary and Christine Rood Family Pavilion, a home away from home for patients and families who have to travel far for specialized treatments at Doernbecher. This important resource makes all the difference for families.

NICU baby holding a mother's thumb
Healing the tiniest patients

Credit Unions for Kids donated $1.4 million to establish an endowed professorship in neonatology. The team at Doernbecher’s NICU sees some of the most fragile patients in the region.

Toddler on a balance bike
Safety first

Named in honor of longtime Credit Unions for Kids member Tom Sargent, the safety center at Doernbecher is an essential resource for the region. Credit union support allows the center to pursue research in child safety and provide crucial resources for families, from car seat checks to in-house consultations.

Dana Braner and Robert Schelonka

Helping Doernbecher retain the very best

Support from Credit Unions for Kids has created endowed positions for Doernbecher physicians. At a 2015 ceremony Dana Braner, M.D., left, the Credit Unions for Kids Chair and Physician-in-Chief at Doernbecher, congratulated Robert Schelonka, M.D., when he was named the Credit Unions for Kids Professor in Neonatology. This endowed support helps Doernbecher attract and retain the best and brightest for patients and their families.

Doctor Cindy McEvoy working with a baby in the NICU
Expanding pediatric research

Investments from credit unions has helped Doernbecher expand its research capacity. Cynthia McEvoy, M.D., holds the Credit Unions for Kids Endowed Professorship for Pediatric Research. McEvoy’s work in lung development has major implications for pregnant mothers and children.

Researchers discussing a brain cell image
Exploring pediatric brain development

In the lab of Stephen Back, M.D., Ph.D., researchers have shown that lack of oxygen does not kill infant brain cells as previously thought. Research in the Back lab is supported by Credit Unions for Kids.

Contact Us

For more information on how to make a difference, please contact Lindsey Klinger, Associate Director of Development, Community Programs.

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