The Future of Medical Imaging: OHSU’s Daring and Transformational Approach

This conversation was livestreamed on June 15, 2021.
Please join us for a conversation with Jonathan R. Lindner, MD from the OHSU Knight Cardiovascular Institute as he discusses cutting-edge methods for peering into the body and how this technology is changing medicine. He will review nanotechnology which has sparked partnerships with NASA to prepare humans for the journey to Mars, and with the Oregon Zoo.
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Webinar Presenter:
Jonathan R. Lindner, M.D.
M. Lowell Edwards Professor of Cardiology, OHSU
Dr. Lindner is a cardiologist and Professor of Medicine at OHSU where he holds the M. Lowell Edwards Professorship of Cardiology and serves as the Chief of the ONPRC Division of Cardiometabolic Research. Dr. Lindner has expertise in the fields of cardiovascular imaging and blood vessel diseases. His research program is currently funded by several grants from the National Institutes of Health and a grant from NASA. He has pioneered the use of advanced non-invasive imaging together with nanotechnology for the early detection of disease, including heart attack and atherosclerosis, and for guiding the development of new therapies including stem cell and gene therapy. His expertise in examining small vessel disease has led to innovative research programs including examining the effects of cancer drugs on the heart, and the effects of long-duration space missions on astronauts. Dr. Lindner is a past president for the American Society of Echocardiography; and serves as the chair for the Exam Writing Committee and on the board of directors for the National Board of Echocardiography. He also serves on multiple committees for the NIH, and has been recognized by many teaching awards.