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Timely Topics Webinar: Health Care and Homes for All: How Houselessness Impacts Health

Mar 12

12 p.m.

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The number of people experiencing houselessness in the U.S. reached a record high last year. What role can the health care sector play in addressing the needs of this growing population and reducing houselessness?

Join Richard Bruno, M.D. ’13, M.P.H. as he explores the interconnectedness of housing and health during our next Timely Topics webinar:

  • The difference between “homeless” and “houseless”
  • Racial disparities in the houseless population
  • Myths about people experiencing houselessness
  • Individual and structural factors that contribute to houselessness
  • Effective interventions to prevent and reduce houselessness

If you would like to request a recording of this webinar, please email the Alumni Team at [email protected].

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