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Support the OHSU hospital expansion

Help OHSU address Oregon's hospital capacity crisis.

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Architect's rendering of aerial view of the OHSU inpatient addition

A groundbreaking response to Oregon’s hospital capacity crisis

OHSU is growing to meet the most urgent needs of patients across Oregon and Southwest Washington. The OHSU Hospital Expansion Project is a multiphase initiative that will enlarge and transform the inpatient care environment on OHSU’s Marquam Hill campus for patients of all ages who require the highest level of hospital care for cancer and other complex conditions.

As a not-for-profit, mission-driven institution operating in the public interest, OHSU has always relied on the community’s partnership when tackling Oregon’s most significant health care challenges. Private support will help increase the availability of hospital beds for the region’s sickest patients and expand access to cutting-edge treatments available nowhere else in the state, while also advancing OHSU’s vital education and research missions.

The current state at OHSU

Hospital beds are at 100% capacity

Vista Pavilion, opening in 2026


square feet

New inpatient beds


The addition will increase OHSU’s total bed count to more than 750

A critical need for hospital beds across the region

Architect's rendering of the inpatient addition at OHSU

Fueling the urgency of this project is Oregon’s longstanding shortage of adult hospital beds. Compared to other states, Oregon and Washington have the fewest hospital beds per capita in the nation. For patients from across the Pacific Northwest, that translates into unacceptably long wait times for a bed. OHSU offers advanced treatments not found elsewhere in the region and cares for more patients who are sicker and require longer hospitalizations than any other medical center in our area. During periods of unusually high demand, there simply are not enough beds or hospital staff to accommodate everyone who needs urgent care.

Expanding OHSU’s bed capacity will give more Oregon and Southwest Washington residents more timely access to the advanced treatments that make the greatest impact on their most urgent health care challenges.

Several members of OHSU hold a roundtable to discuss the hospital capacity crisis

A roundtable on Oregon's capacity crisis

Hear from OHSU providers at the center of Oregon’s hospital capacity crisis.

A new addition: The Vista Pavilion

A state-of-the-art inpatient addition to OHSU Hospital is currently under construction on Marquam Hill. The new building, called the Vista Pavilion, will increase OHSU’s bed count by nearly one third, putting OHSU’s capacity on par with that of similar health care institutions on the West Coast. More beds will give more people timely access to advanced care, address the needs of our aging population and keep pace with regional growth. The new building will be dedicated primarily to providing advanced cancer treatments and complex surgical care for seriously ill patients facing longer-than-average hospitalizations. As these services move from their current locations into the new building, it will open up space to expand and enhance OHSU’s capacity to provide inpatient cardiovascular and neurological care, with other areas of expansion under discussion for future phases.

Architect's rendering of the new inpatient addition from above the trees

“We’re seeing more patients than ever before. They’re sicker, more complex and they have more needs, so their visit takes longer. When all the hospital beds are full, they don’t have access to a room, so they stay waiting in the ED beds.”

– Mary Tanski, M.D., chair of OHSU’s Department of Emergency Medicine

Opening in 2026

The 513,000-square-foot Vista Pavilion will increase OHSU’s total bed count to more than 750. Scheduled to welcome its first patients in 2026, the Vista Pavilion will initially offer 128 inpatient beds on four patient-care floors, with flexibility to add up to 64 more beds in the future depending on how they are used.

It will primarily house patients of the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute who face long hospital stays while undergoing advanced treatments or complex surgeries. The new addition will also significantly increase OHSU’s capacity to serve patients facing other diseases perennially among Oregon’s leading causes of death and disability: heart disease, stroke, neurological disorders and traumatic injuries. Subsequent phases of the project, subject to OHSU board approval, would give Doernbecher Children’s Hospital extraordinary new capabilities to care for the region’s most vulnerable newborns and their families, with a long- planned expansion of its neonatal intensive care unit and other innovative services in birthing and post-partum care.

Get in touch

To talk to a member of our development team about how you can help with this essential project, call the OHSU Foundation.

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