Online giving FAQ
Are you having problems with our donation form? Check out these frequently asked questions.

I don’t see the fund I want to support. What should I do?
Our main giving form lists a handful of key impact areas, but you can also click on “searching for a fund” and type in the fund name. There are about 450 funds in our search as of Fall 2022.

We also have forms for specific areas, like children’s health, education, cancer, brain health, eye and vision and cardiovascular.
I tried the fund search, but I still don’t see the one I want to support.
You can write in the name of the fund you want to support. Click on “write in your own” and that will get recorded with your donation. If we have any questions about what you entered there, a member of our staff will call you to follow up.
I want to make a gift in memory of someone.
Click the checkbox next to “my gift is in honor or memory of someone” and additional fields will appear.
What does the “send notification” field mean?
“Send notification” only applies to gifts in honor or in memory. Often, when a person makes a gift in memory of someone, they want to notify a family member that they made a donation. Our staff collects the information about the gifts and notifies family members about the donations, but they do not share the gift amount. You do not need to send a notification of a gift in honor or in memory – that is optional.
I want to give to more than one area.
Once you have completed the gift to the first area, you will see a “thank you” page. There, you will see a link to add an additional gift. The form will store your contact information so you don’t have to re-enter it.
It’s not accepting my credit card.
Sometimes, when a transaction doesn’t go through, it’s because the address information you entered doesn’t match what your credit card company has on file. Check to be sure the address is valid and the billing zip code and billing country are correct. It’s easy, for example, to accidentally select Afghanistan because it’s listed right after United States.
I don’t recognize the information that’s entered on this form.
Please note that if your browser uses an autofill feature, it may fill in information that you entered on a previous form at another website. That information is coming from your browser and not from the OHSU Foundation’s system.
Still have questions? Contact us.
Call: 503-228-1730
or 800-462-6608
Email: [email protected]