Health for all
Bridging gaps in cervical cancer care
Medical sociologist Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, Ph.D., promotes health equity through her research.
Lifelong passion leads to nursing advocacy
School of Nursing student Teshia Wilburn looks forward to being an advocate for her patients.
The journey to jump-start community dentistry
OHSU School of Dentistry alumnus Ellie Amico, D.M.D. ’24, left a legacy of giving back to the community.
The care of giving
Knight Cancer Institute transplant patients will have better access to life-saving treatments, thanks to an endowed fund from a former patient.
OHSU in the news
The 8 next big technologies in health in 2024
Fast Company
What experts want you to know about Plan B
Alison Edelman | The New York Times
1 in 4 child deaths after E.R. visits are preventable, study finds
Craig Newgard | The New York Times
For health and hope