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The unstoppable Laura Schroeder

Laura Schroeder came into the world as a question mark. How had she made it this far? Laura’s parents, Nanny and Ron Schroeder of Chiloquin, Ore., had been in suspense for several months. It was painful. “I’ll never forget it,” said Nanny. “We went to Medford for an ultrasound when I was seven months pregnant […]

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6 things to know about childhood cancer

Overall, cancer in children is rare. But Joe, Ethan and Sophia battled the two most common types: brain tumors and leukemia. Here are six things to know about the pediatric cancers they faced: All brain tumors are cancer. All brain tumors are eventually fatal or disabling without treatment. Brain tumors are the 2nd most common […]

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Time to celebrate: $32 million raised for guest house

Families heal together. Today, we are a giant step closer to providing a new home for healing for out-of-town patients and their families. OHSU has met its fundraising goal, raising more than $32 million to build the Gary & Christine Rood Family Pavilion, a new five-story guest house for patients who need to travel to […]

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Dana Braner, MD: Leader, doctor, Mr. Potato Head

He can be spotted walking the halls of Doernbecher Children’s Hospital clad in Christmas socks, cracking a joke at his own expense, and at times, being referred to as “Dr. Potato Head” by his patients. It’s no surprise that he is especially good at working with children, but behind the Santa socks and sassy humor […]

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