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Progress Report: 2018

At OHSU, we know that it is not enough to practice medicine. We need to change it. And in order to change it, we need to do science differently. To explore problems from entirely new angles. To push the very edges of medicine. To ask the questions that nobody else is asking. To disrupt the […]

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John Wold’s legacy for macular degeneration research

John S. Wold was a businessman, geologist, inventor, a former U.S. congressman and a philanthropist. In the last 20 years of his life, macular degeneration — a blinding eye disease — came between him and the things he loved the most. He was passionate about supporting research to stop the disease and return vision to […]

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What is basic science?

Why do neurons die? That was what OHSU’s Marc Freeman wondered, years ago. Freeman — then a professor of neurobiology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and first and foremost a basic scientist — understood that traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease all result from the degeneration of neurons. But he wasn’t initially […]

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Freestyle 2018: Aiden

Aiden Barber is a friendly force of nature who loves sushi, LEGO, and playing Xbox with his pals. His shoe is a tribute to the special people in his life, like his cousin Michael, who’s currently serving in the Army. “Michael is a hero to me, because he’s so brave,” explains Aiden. “So I made […]

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Freestyle 2018: Payton

Remember Payton Fentress’ name, because this talented young athlete has set his sights on a baseball career. A true sports fan, his shoe is a walking hall of fame, paying homage to some of the greatest moments of his favorite teams. (Like the championship dates of the Portland Trail Blazers and the Chicago Cubs.) Payton […]

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